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Why Visual Studio hangs

Every once in a while, VS seems to take forever to display a screen to the point that it seems to hang. Most of the time, it hangs, while accessing Fonts and Colors page in Tools/Options dialog. The issue is not that there is some weird code that executes very slowly. It happens that this page is implemented using .NET components. Now the majority of VS is built with native code and during most of its execution,, the CLR is never loaded. However, when the user accesses one of these features, the CLR must be loaded, before we can begin executing the relevant IL. It is this process that is time-consuming and annoying to the user. There are two problems for the users here: first, there is no feedback during loading of the CLR; second: the problem can occur multiple times within a single session of VS.

I am trying to figure out the reason for this second issue. Let me know, if any of you knows.


  1. It happens because VS tries to connect to the internet.
    Some people have had success by changing a setting in Internet Explorer->Tools->Internet Options-> Advanced tab, Security section, uncheck "Check for Publisher's Certificate Revocation" (you may need to restart IE and VS for it to take effect). It worked for me anyways...

  2. You mean, one can't launch VS until and unless he has internet connection ???


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