As we all know, Exception handling plays a very important
role in any developer’s life. When talking about exception handling, throw is
the first thing, which comes into our mind. Today, we will see, how actually
throw works.
The given code catches the exception and just throws it again,
without passing any explicit Exception object.
Now, let’s take another version of
this above code:
This given code will create the object of Employee and will
catch the exception and from catch block it will throw the catched exception via
ex (our Exception class object).
Now question is how these two code snippets are different.
For more analysis, let’s open ILDasm and drop your .EXE into it. For the first
snippet, we will see something like below:
From this given image, we can see ex (Exception class object) has
been defined as local variable using .local, but in the catch block, compiler changes
the throw statement into rethrow. It
means, instead of changing the original stack trace, compiler is just
re-throwing the existing one.
Here also ex is defined as a local variable, but catch block
is bit different here as compared to snippet 1.
In the catch block, compiler is loading data from location 1 (ldloc 1),
which is ex (Exception object) and throws that one. And as a result, this ex
will not hold all the stack trace raised earlier except the stack trace from
this current state.
So, it is clear that ex override the stack trace whereas,
just throw statement does not override the stack trace.
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