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EF warning while using Database first approach

Error 6002: The table/view 'AdventureWorks.dbo.BuildVersion' does not have a primary key defined. The key has been inferred and the definition was created as a read-only table/view.

Explanation: The above warning is generated when you use Database first approach for Entity Framework model creation. Such warning appears due to entity key. Every Entity needs to have an entity key and when EF creates an entities, what it does is, it tries to find an primary key from the database and creates an entity key from that. 

But it may be the case that few of the database objects doesn't have primary key defined. In that case, EF tries to infer a key based on your view or table's columns. So, here it becomes necessary to have at lease a non-null column in your database object. 

It's just a warning, so nothing harmful here. But still if you need a solution to get rid of this warning, then it is posted by Hilmi Aric.
