Nowadays, screen capturing is one of the common tasks which most of us are doing in our day-to-day routine and there are instances where in we need to automate this task. In this article, I'll explain you about how can we automate screen capturing using Python. To get started, first of all we need to grab all the required packages and install them. Required packages To automate screenshot capturing, we need to install a package named pyautogui and this can be installed using pip as shown below: pip install pyautogui Import packages Once required packages are installed, we need to import them into our code. Here we need to import two packages - one for screenshot capturing and another one is for timer as we need to capture our screen after certain seconds of our application launch. Here is the code: import pyautogui import time Implementation Now we have all the packages imported, we can go ahead and make a call to required function. We will start by calling a ...
This blog is all about my technical learnings pertaining to LLM, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, C#, Azure, Python, AI, ML, Visual Studio Code and many more.