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Showing posts with the label Visual Studio 2019

Enabling Preview Features in Visual Studio 2019

By default, Visual Studio doesn’t enable preview feature selection in Visual Studio 2019 . Say you have .Net 5.0 installed on your machine and you are creating a new Console Application.   After creating the application, you will notice that, although .Net 5.0 is installed, application still picks up the .Net Core 3.1 as a default framework. In fact, application didn’t ask for framework selection too. So, how can we select the framework while creating an application itself. For doing this, we need to enable Preview Features in Visual Studio by going to Options menu as shown below:

What's new in Visual Studio 2019

Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2019, two days back. This release has many awesome features targeting productivity and collaboration improvement. I’ve collected certain features as part of the launch event by Kendra Havens and Scott. Here are those: Side-by-side installation of Visual Studio versions New look of Start Page New look of Create Project window Redesigned user experience and theme Search is more intuitive Live share option for collaboration with fellow developers Debugger improvements – Search is available for Watch, Locals and Autos window Extracting only few projects from a solution – Solution filter Monitor awareness – VS resized as per the monitor size Fonts are colors based on classification of words Opening csproj file directly on double click of SDK projects New column Kind has added to Find All References option with Read/Write Code cleanup with just one click with rules configuration capability Facility to export code style as. editorconfig ...