If your boss is very workaholic and you are not working from office then you must have heard one of these statements from your boss: Why were you not at your desk Why your status was away in Teams/Skype/etc I couldn't see you really putting 8 hours at work, blah blah blah. source: launchworkplaces.com And all these statements are coming because your machine was inactive and that change your communicator status to Away . Well, so today we are going to solve this problem where in we will not let our communicator status change by its own. How can we do that? Answer is very simple. This problem can be solved, if our machine is active, if we are continuously (or in few mins) pressing some keys or moving our mouse. Here we will use Python to write just few lines of code to perform this magic. Python package We will use Python package named pyautogui as it allows us to automate mouse and keyboard interactions. It works very well on Windows, Mac as well as Linux. You can insta...
This blog is all about my technical learnings pertaining to LLM, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, C#, Azure, Python, AI, ML, Visual Studio Code and many more.