In this article, I’ll show you how can you get your hands dirty with Langchain agents. If you are not aware what Langchain is, I would recommend you to watch my recording here, wherein I just briefed about it. Langchain agents are the ones who uses LLM to determine what needs to be done and in which order. You can have a quick look at the available agents in the documentation, but I’ll list them here too. zero-shot-react-description react-docstore self-ask-with-search conversational-react-description Here agents work via tools and tools are nothing but those are functions which will be used by agents to interact with outside world. List of tools which are available today are: python_repl serpapi wolfram-alpha requests terminal pal-math pal-colored-objects llm-math open-meteo-api news-api tmdb-api google-search searx-search google-serper, etc In this article, I’m covering serpapi . Import Required Packages In order to get started, we need to import these below packages: from langchain ...
This blog is all about my technical learnings pertaining to LLM, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, C#, Azure, Python, AI, ML, Visual Studio Code and many more.